Birth Photography
Birth Photography...this is my PASSION!!
I am just entranced by all things birth related and when I get the honour of capturing this amazing journey....well I can't help but get a lump in my throat...
As a mother, I wish beyond any description of words, that I had the the births of both of my sons photographed.
Birth Photography is so much more than just a gory vag image. It is that moment in time frozen forever for you to cherish...when they take those first steps, when they walk through those school doors on their own for the first time, when they glide across the graduation stage, or when they stand before you saying I Do...these are the images that you will pull out and look back on to cherish those first few moments that you were all they knew and wanted.
Your birthing experience matters and your memory of your experience is just as important. Having images that are beautiful and powerful itself can matter. Taking a negative birth journey and seeing images that are positive, beautiful and all around breathtaking can help to nurture a woman's healing after birth. It is worth the investment in yourself to have these memories.
Birth Fresh 48